My Testimony



 I lived most of my life trying to be consistently good. Unfortunately, the only thing I was consistent at was making mistakes. This left me feeling discouraged and depressed. I didn't want to share Jesus with others in fear that they too would begin a life of misery.  

In 1995, my roommate was telling me about a friend of his who grew up in as a Christian and attended Christian schools; however, at age fifty-five he still didn't know that salvation was a free gift. We can't earn our way to heaven by being good. My roommate looked at me and said, “Can you believe he didn't know the truth?” I laughed and said, “Wow!” And that is how I was introduced to the truth that set me free.  

Since then, I have failed many times; however, I'm comforted when I remember that Jesus' death on the cross was sufficient to pay the penalty of my sins. Thank you Jesus! It's this great news that allows me to live a life of joy even when things aren't very joyous.