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Everywhere people are unsatisfied with life. They are looking for something to fill the void; however, they just cannot seem to find it. This void can only be filled by Jesus. Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I will give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life” John 4: 13, 14. The first water Jesus is referring to is wealth, material things, praise, recognition, and other worldly things that will leave you unsatisfied. The second water, which will clench your thirst, is a relationship with Jesus, which will lead to eternal life. If you experience Christ's love, you will desire more. And once you experience Christ's love, your desire for worldly things will diminish. How sad it is for the person that seeks happiness all their life and never finds it. Before we can receive this gift from Jesus, we must recognize our sinful condition and need for a Savior. We must ask for Jesus to fill us with the Holy Spirit. Once filled with the Holy Spirit, our hearts will be cleansed and our minds will be strengthened and we will experience God's love. The Holy Spirit working in our lives is true worship. Jesus longs with an unexplainable desire for us to come to him and be filled. He wants to fill our emptiness and give us eternal life. Why wait? You can start your new life right now by confessing your sins and inviting Jesus into your heart. Wherever a heart is open to receive the truth, God is ready to teach them. Every person that drinks the living water will become a fountain of life. A person that receives this blessing will want to share it with everyone they come into contact with. Christ's grace is like a spring in the desert giving life to the lifeless.